The Blog:
Articles, Podcasts, and Videos on Life & Leadership
Rest is one of the most important things you can do to take care of your physical, emotional, and mental health. It’s a powerful stress-management tool, yet many people don’t use it. Why? There’s many physical reasons why rest might be disrupted; however, it might also be...
Written by: Raychel Perman
As a coach with over a decade of experience, I've witnessed firsthand how the landscape of coaching has evolved, especially with the surge of social media and influencer culture. I've also experienced how long it can take to establish credibility, authority, get...
Lead Like A Rockstar - A Leadership Event for Local Professionals - is happening on Saturday, February 22nd in Bismarck, ND. Watch this segment from the ND Today Show to learn:
- What does "Lead Like A Rockstar" mean?
- Who is this event for?
- Two reasons why you should be there!
At its core, Lead...
Written by: Mandy B. Anderson
It’s been five years since my last real vacation. When you live on the river, summers feel like a dream and so it really didn’t bother me that we hadn’t been anywhere since our trip to Atlantis in the Bahamas in January of 2020. Right before...
Let’s talk about what it means to Lead Like A Rockstar. We had originally intended to chat on Facebook Live about this, but Facebook was having some technical difficulties with that option. So we decided to pivot to a Vlog since we were all dressed up in our sequined jackets and ready to...
Written by: Raychel Perman
Dear Leader: Two contradictory things can be true at the same time. Life is full of paradoxes.
If you follow me on Instagram, you might have caught the personal stories I shared over the 4th of July holiday about how I was handling my increased PTSD symptoms. I...
Dear Leader: You need a hobby that brings you joy; it doesn’t have to be meaningful to anyone but you.
Settle in for a second my friend because I’ve got an internet story about haters and trolls for ya!
Nothing brings the internet trolls out quite like the Swifties. (That’s the...
Dear Leader: You are worth the time it takes to become more self-aware.
This is how I increase my self-awareness: I make space to delve into the intricate workings of my mind.
This is beyond just understanding my personality, leadership style, or communication patterns. I increase my...
Dear Leader: Your mindset will make or break your ability to stay motivated when leadership gets hard.
There’s a reason why athletes and rockstars have a pre-game ritual. It helps them keep their mind focused so they can play to win.
Leaders must have a pre-game ritual, too. Here at RAYMA...
Dear Leader: Self-Reflection Separates Greatness from Mediocrity.
Regular self-reflection is important for a variety of reasons. It helps you better understand your own strengths, weaknesses, values, and emotions. Self-reflection helps you better understand how you communicate and processes...
“Don’t take this the wrong way, but I thought your Lead Like A Rockstar event was going to be a lot of ‘You go, girl!’ type of hype. I did NOT expect it to be what it was, and it blew me away.”
That’s what a friend of mine told me about his experience at our ...
Dear Leader: Be proactive by growing your leadership skills now, so you are ready when the opportunity comes.
In the early days of building our first company, Mandy and I often used the phrase "dig the ditches." We said it to remind ourselves to keep going, doing what we could to...