What Women Really Need in Leadership Training

leadership mandy b. anderson personal growth personal leadership professional development women in leadership Feb 18, 2022

Our homework assignment was to read the final pages of a John C. Maxwell leadership book. I read it via audiobook because I found that easier to finish. While I’ve always enjoyed John C. Maxwell’s writing, the only books I’ve actually been able to finish are the tiny ones with bite-sized pieces of leadership training instead of big books. I never questioned why that was until we entered our discussion time during our last women’s leadership meeting.

The instructor asked what we thought of his book as supplemental training in the program. That’s when one woman boldly said, “I can’t get on board with his teaching. It’s so one-sided and obviously male minded that I just can’t swallow it. It doesn’t seem applicable to me.”

Truth be told, I've often had a hard time finishing his books. Maybe I’ve felt the same things as my classmate and was unable to articulate it until now?

This begs the question: What do women need in leadership training that is different from the training typically provided in the corporate world?

Well, after some research, here’s what I discovered:


Women need a place to connect and process their experiences and new thought patterns in real-time. They need to know that they aren't alone in what they are struggling with, and they need a group of people to speak encouragement and guidance into their leadership journey.



Women need training that focuses on growing their confidence and overcoming their insecurities. According to a recent leadership study, 67% of women said they needed more support building confidence to feel like they can be leaders. The women they surveyed were ones that identified with being "smart" and "leaders" in their school or growing up. Women need a support system that helps them grow. Period.


Women need to meet consistently to apply what they've learned - not just monthly or once a year. We can't expect people to go through a seminar one time and master the skills they learned. Consistently building your skills is what builds confidence in the long run! We've got to be committed to consistently building our skills so we can become proactive leaders with strong critical thinking skills, instead of just reactive ones that run around putting out fires.
This entire experience of hearing a fellow classmate voice a concern, and researching what it takes to help women become confident leaders, has resulted in us designing a brand new mastermind here at RAYMA Team.

Introducing the Leadership Principles for Her™ Mastermind: a five month HIGH-LEVEL Coaching Experience Designed for Women That Want To Level Up Their Leadership Skills Personally and Professionally. You'll Learn to Stop Questioning, Doubting, and Feeling Insecure. And you'll Become a Wise, Confident Leader that people love to work with!


We've taken our best content from eight years of equipping women to be leaders and put them together in one power-packed coaching experience. Our hope is that it will fill the gap in what's missing in leadership training for women. Registration opens on February 22nd at 9:00AM. Space is limited to 10 women only, so don't procrastinate on registering if you know you need this! Go to www.LeadershipPrinciplesForHer.com to get all the details and set a reminder on your phone to jump in when doors open!


Every woman is a leader, no matter what her title is or isn't.Which means YOU are a leader, Beautiful one. It's time to own it and step into the shoes of the wise, confident leader you were placed on this earth to be!


Helping you live and lead well,

~Coach Mandy


Mandy B. Anderson is a Certified Life Coach, a Certified Executive Coach, and the Co-Founder of RAYMA Team. She was awarded the honor of being in the Top 25 Women in Business for 2020 by Prairie Business Magazine. Anderson lives by the water in North Dakota with her husband, Nate, and her furbaby, Indigo - a petite goldendoodle with a big personality. She loves to sip her coffee every morning and watch the sunrise, while most likely searching for the next perfect pair of stilettos. Learn how to work with her at https://www.raymateam.com/mandy-1-1-coaching.




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The world needs more than just the masculine leadership traits of productivity, dominance, and competition. It needs fearless feminine leadership. The Fearless Feminine Leadership Podcast is a show for leaders and aspiring leaders that want to grow in the soft skills of empathy, connection, creativity, and MORE - a.k.a. the feminine leadership skills. Hosted by RAYMA TeamĀ® Co-Founders and Certified Coaches, Mandy B. Anderson & Raychel Perman.

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