Do you know what the women leaders in your organization are hoping for? If you try to assume, you might find yourself in the wrong.
A few weeks ago, at our yearly women's life and leadership event called
Beautiful Wholeness, we spent some time answering this question. This group of 30 women shared answers that challenged me, surprised me at times, and ultimately inspired me. Here's a list of the words they used to describe what they are hoping for this year:
- Peace
- Financial freedom
- Love
- A simple life
- Work-life balance
- Contentment
- Calmness
- To be understood
- To make an impact
- To lead
- Teamwork
- To inspire
- Build confidence
Hope. It is the belief that what you want can actually happen.
Now that we have identified some of the hopes that women leaders have, it's time to identify some truth about how we make these hopes real.
As I read all of these words, I can tell you without a doubt that, yes, each of these hopes can happen. But none of them will happen overnight; none of them will happen just because you spoke them out loud. These hopes only happen when you intentionally go after them.
So if you're hoping for peace, you must start making decisions that will create peace. Do you hope for financial freedom? Take action to get rid of toxic spending habits so you can build financial freedom penny by penny. Hoping for love? BE love. Every day.
If you're hoping for a simple life, you've got to learn how to stop people pleasing and uphold healthy boundaries so you can simplify. The same with work-life balance! It takes work at a mindset level to reach these kind of hopes. But it's possible.
What about the hopes of contentment and calmness? You could implement this hope today if you start focusing on gratitude, what's going well, and the possibilities of what's in front of you.
The hope of being understood will only happen when you work hard to first understand yourself and your struggles, then work on listening to the stories of other people. You can't hope for being understood if you're unwilling to extend that to others.
The hopes of making an impact, leading, teamwork, and inspiring others also means that you've got to become a woman who believes in possibilities. A woman who sees possibilities and says yes to them! These hopes require that you make your struggles matter and get really good at helping others see purpose and possibility, too.
And, finally, the hope of building confidence demands that you face your insecurities and intentionally work on building your skills every day.
Helping you live and lead well,
~Coach Mandy
TEAM BUILDING QUESTION: What are you hoping for right now?
Take 10 minutes to have everyone on your team share and then compile a list. Check in with team members every so often on their progress and encourage them to work with a coach or mentor when necessary.

Mandy B. Anderson is a Certified Life Coach, a Certified Executive Coach, and the Co-Founder of RAYMA Team. She was awarded the honor of being in the Top 25 Women in Business for 2020 by Prairie Business Magazine. Anderson lives by the water in North Dakota with her husband, Nate, and her furbaby, Indigo - a petite goldendoodle with a big personality. She loves to sip her coffee every morning and watch the sunrise, while most likely searching for the next perfect pair of stilettos. Learn how to work with her at