What's Your Pre-Game Ritual?

blog dear leader leadership thought of the week mandy b. anderson motivation raychel perman May 20, 2024

Dear Leader: Your mindset will make or break your ability to stay motivated when leadership gets hard.

There’s a reason why athletes and rockstars have a pre-game ritual. It helps them keep their mind focused so they can play to win.

Leaders must have a pre-game ritual, too. Here at RAYMA Team™ we call the pre-game ritual this: Truth Statement®.

The Truth Statement® concept is one of our signature, trademarked techniques. It is a highly effective life coaching technique to help you develop a strong, healthy mindset for optimal personal development. And when you use it consistently, it works.

Here’s a Truth Statement® to help you stay MOTIVATED…

“To step into the shoes of a self-motivated leader I will learn how to take action and just start. I understand that things will get messy, and failure could be right around the corner. However, I am determined that procrastination will no longer slow me down for long. I will find fulfillment, create a life that matters to me, and go after my dreams.”

The first principle of the MOTIVATED Leadership Program is: Just Start. That's where this Truth Statement® comes from.

Ready to learn all 7 of the leadership principles needed to step into the shoes of a self-MOTIVATED Leader? 😉

The next MOTIVATED Leadership Program is happening with Coach Mandy on June 4th through July 16th.

We’ve priced this summer program at 50% off and added virtual seats so you’ve got no excuse or reason to say “no.” 😉

Your leadership matters! It's time to overcome procrastination and step into the shoes of a Self- MOTIVATED Leader!

Register today at https://www.raymateam.com/motivated-leadership-program

~Coach Mandy & Coach Raychel 💛


P.S. Can't make the program date but really want this training? You can purchase the digital MOTIVATED Leadership Course here to go through this on your as a home-study course.

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The Fearless Feminine Leadership Podcast!

The world needs more than just the masculine leadership traits of productivity, dominance, and competition. It needs fearless feminine leadership. The Fearless Feminine Leadership Podcast is a show for leaders and aspiring leaders that want to grow in the soft skills of empathy, connection, creativity, and MORE - a.k.a. the feminine leadership skills. Hosted by RAYMA Team® Co-Founders and Certified Coaches, Mandy B. Anderson & Raychel Perman.

Listen Here!

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