What's Your Pre-Game Ritual?

blog dear leader leadership thought of the week mandy b. anderson motivation raychel perman May 20, 2024

Dear Leader: Your mindset will make or break your ability to stay motivated when leadership gets hard.

There’s a reason why athletes and rockstars have a pre-game ritual. It helps them keep their mind focused so they can play to win.

Leaders must have a pre-game ritual, too. Here at RAYMA Team™ we call the pre-game ritual this: Truth Statement®.

The Truth Statement® concept is one of our signature, trademarked techniques. It is a highly effective life coaching technique to help you develop a strong, healthy mindset for optimal personal development. And when you use it consistently, it works.

Here’s a Truth Statement® to help you stay MOTIVATED…

“To step into the shoes of a self-motivated leader I will learn how to take action and just start. I understand that things will get messy, and failure could be right around the corner. However, I am determined that procrastination will no longer slow me down for long. I will find fulfillment, create a life that matters to me, and go after my dreams.”

The first principle of the MOTIVATED Leadership Program is: Just Start. That's where this Truth Statement® comes from.

Ready to learn all 7 of the leadership principles needed to step into the shoes of a self-MOTIVATED Leader? 😉

The next MOTIVATED Leadership Program is happening with Coach Mandy on June 4th through July 16th.

We’ve priced this summer program at 50% off and added virtual seats so you’ve got no excuse or reason to say “no.” 😉

Your leadership matters! It's time to overcome procrastination and step into the shoes of a Self- MOTIVATED Leader!

Register today at https://www.raymateam.com/motivated-leadership-program

~Coach Mandy & Coach Raychel 💛


P.S. Can't make the program date but really want this training? You can purchase the digital MOTIVATED Leadership Course here to go through this on your as a home-study course.