Highly successful people are masters at creating routines and habits that guarantee success. For today’s post, I’m going to share three uncommon habits of highly successful people. These are habits I’m betting you can’t repeat ad nauseam (sleeping 8-10 hours, waking up early, meditating, exercising, etc.) but are still found as common practices for highly successful millionaires and billionaires. These are three daily habits you can start implementing immediately to create more success in your own life!
#1 Read more nonfiction
We have all heard the Harry S. Truman quote, “all leaders are readers.” It’s true. Reading is a daily habit for highly successful people. Most notably they prefer reading nonfiction like biographies, self-help, and history. Billionaire Warren Buffett once said that reading is the most important habit he has incorporated into his daily life. “I just sit in my office and read all day,” (Source.)
I’m reading more nonfiction this month by reading the biography of Sandra Day O’Conner, “First: Sandra Day O'Conner" I will admit it’s much dryer than my beloved fiction, but I’m learning a lot about her life and what it takes to break glass ceilings with poise and gumption. If you don’t like to read you can download nonfiction options to your audible app
#2 Talk to yourself
While researching this topic, I discovered that highly successful people talk to themselves. I promise you this is more than just muttering to yourself multiple times a day. Talking to yourself can set you apart from others because you become acutely aware of your own inner dialogue. This awareness brings objectivity and helps you eliminate negative beliefs and self-talk. (Source)
I’m already a big fan of talking to myself so I’m just going to continue this practice with gusto.
#3 Streamline your schedule
Highly successful people know their goals and priorities and plan their schedules around them. They also simplify this process by having their schedules and goals on one app or device. I’m incorporating this practice a few different ways this month!
- I found a new planner that is more tailored to my needs as a business owner, CEO, mom, and wife. It all must fit in one spot! My new planner does this in the best way possible because I can goal plan and plan my day all in the same place more efficiently than before. You can find the designer HERE if you need a new planner yourself.
- I figured out how sync the app we use to coordinate parenting time with my kid’s father (2 Houses App - it’s amazing) to my google calendar. I’ve eliminated checking an entire app with that simple fix alone!
- I stopped writing the entire monthly calendar on the message board at home. No one even noticed it wasn’t there anymore! They all have access to our google calendar anyway. Now I just say, “check the calendar on your phone.”
These three unusual habits of highly successful people are easy to incorporate into your own life with just a few minor changes. You can read or listen to more nonfiction, start talking to yourself, and streamline your schedule starting today. In no time you will be well on your way to creating more success in your own life.
With love and moxie,
~ Raychel Perman