2021 has been a milestone year for the She Who Overcomes™ Podcast! Our listeners tune in from all over the world, including: the United States, Germany, Sweden, Singapore, and Australia - just to name a few. We are so thankful for each every one of you and we look forward to bringing you more conversations next year that help equip women to be extraordinary leaders!
Here's a look back at our Top 10 most listened to podcast episodes of 2021 (we've made it easy for you to click on each one to listen to it again!):
- #1: Episode 96 Choosing Truth
- #2: Episode 92 GRIEF - How do we lead through it?
- #3: Episode 94 with guest, Katie Kimball
- #4: Episode 93 POVERTY MINDSET - Identifying it and getting rid of it
- #5: Episode 98 MENTAL HEALTH - How we lead and create margin for self-care
- #6: Episode 95 The Label of HYPOCRITE
- #7: Episode 70 How To Make Sure Your BFF Doesn't Become An FBF (Friendship Tips for Adult Women)
- #8: Episode 100 HOLIDAY FAMILY DRAMA - How to avoid it and have a meaningful holiday season
- #9: Episode 99 WOMEN'S ISSUES... or is it just LEADERSHIP?
- #10: Episode 69 How To Avoid Burnout and Compassion Fatigue
There you have it! The Top 10 Podcast Episodes of 2021. We encourage you to listen to this full list again to glean all of the wisdom and encouragement that others have devoured. And get ready for new episodes when we return on January 11, 2022!
Until then...
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year!
Much love and with grace & grit,
~Mandy & Raychel