4 Simple Steps to Kick Resistance Today

mindset personal growth personal leadership professional development May 19, 2020

By Raychel Perman

Being able to kick resistance (and it’s best friend, procrastination!)  is an essential skill for all business owners and busy professionals. Well, for all people really. So WHY is it so hard? Simply put, we resist acting because we think it is going to be hard, time-consuming, boring, or a variety of other reasons.

"Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in, day out"

- Robert Collier

Even if we know that completing the task is necessary and important (and maybe even good for us, like sit ups for example) we resist completing it. Why? Because you cannot overcome resistance or procrastination with sheer willpower alone. If you could- you would have by now. You need a plan with simple steps to activate anytime resistance rears it’s ugly head.  

Here are 4 simple steps to kick resistance today:

#1- Break it down.

You are more likely to complete a big task you have been avoiding if you break it down into smaller steps. Small action keeps you motivated! If it is a matter of how long the task will take, break it into smaller periods of time every day until it’s completed.  

#2- Ask questions.

If a project is hard or you don’t understand it, ask for help. You can save a ton of time and effort by simply asking for help or clarification from your supervisor. Or, if there is no one to ask, you can also google anything and find a tutorial video on it. Seriously. Google that!

#3- Do it afraid.

If fear is what’s holding you back, your new mantra is “Do it afraid.” The only way to beat fear is to plow right through it.

#4- Set a timer.

If the task is boring, setting a timer could help you complete it. Anyone can do anything for 20 minutes. You will be surprised at what you can complete in 20 minutes of focused effort. Repeat daily to make small progress every day.

Finally, if you are procrastinating because you are lazy, stop that. Seriously, aint nobody got time for that nonsense. Get off your butt and do the thing.

The reality is we all deal with resistance and procrastination. But, if we want to live and lead ourselves and others well, we must implement tools to beat it. By implementing the 4 super simple steps to kick resistance, you will find yourself completing the most boring to the most complicated tasks in no time.

With grace & grit,

~Raychel Perman



If you need some accountability for this very topic- I want to invite you the join us for the 5 Day Kick Resistance Challenge. It starts today and it is taking place inside our RAYMA Team University Facebook page. The great thing is it is not going to cost you $37 a month to participate. It is not even going to cost you $27 a month, or $17, or $7. It is one dollar, $1, a buck. That’s it! You can participate in the Challenge AND enjoy 14 days in our group coaching membership… all for $1. If you are ready, sign up HERE.



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