Years ago, I sat in a meeting where the leader spent a lot of time talking about the different hats we wore. He explained we have a work hat and a friend hat, and we must only wear one hat at a time. I think it was his futile attempt at building a healthier work environment but to me it sounded dumb. It set up this toxic mindset that we could get away with saying something mean or hurtful because we are wearing our work hat and the other person shouldn’t let work affect our friendship. Or vice versus. (In case you're curious, watching this play out in real life was a disaster- friendships are still broken to this day!)
If I’ve learned anything since then it’s that there is no such thing as wearing one hat at a time. You are a multi-dimensional person! You are the same person out in the world as you are at home. Well. You should be. If you care about being a resilient leader and someone who walks with authenticity.
As a coach I prefer to work on a holistic level with my clients because the problem is never just one thing.
It’s the reason we call RAYMA Team a LIFE and LEADERSHIP Coaching Company. Everything is connected! Your home life affects your work life. Your work life will affect your home life. For example, if you are in conflict with a toxic friend or family member- it will change your capacity to handle changes at work. And, if work is stressful, it will affect your family and relationships if you don’t know how to handle the increased stress in healthy ways. When you segment your life into “hats” you ignore the fact that every area of your affects every other area of your life.
Resilient: recovering readily from illness, depression, adversity, or the like; buoyant. (Dictionary.com)
You don’t build resilience by segmenting your life because the ability to be resilient is needed in every area of your life. You must learn to refine your ability to adjust and recover readily from adversity and major life changes whether they happen in your personal or professional life. Your ability to lead, and lead well, depends on how resilient you are.
Becoming a resilient leader doesn’t just happen via osmosis. It happens from learning and then immediately activating what you are learning, so you know what to do every time new adversity comes your way. That’s how growth happens! That’s how you become a multi-dimensional leader who can live and lead well.
with grace & grit,
~Coach Raychel
Learn more about Coach Raychel and how to work 1:1 with her at https://www.raymateam.com/1-1-coaching-with-raychel