Podcast Highlight: The Holistic Ease Podcast

mandy b. anderson mindset personal growth personal leadership podcast highlights and guest spots Aug 18, 2021

Have you ever been through a season of deferred hope? A few weeks ago, Coach Mandy had a chat with Erin Oberlander on The Holistic Ease Podcast. They talked about her new book, Dangerous Hope, which entails her struggles living with Cystic Fibrosis and how she has overcome several dark times within this disease. This episode is going to speak to you if you have ever struggled physically in your body. It will speak to you if you have ever questioned if you “misheard” a message from God. It will speak to you if you are looking for a way to find beauty amidst ashes.

Listen on your favorite podcast platform at wavve.link/hep

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The Fearless Feminine Leadership Podcast!

The world needs more than just the masculine leadership traits of productivity, dominance, and competition. It needs fearless feminine leadership. The Fearless Feminine Leadership Podcast is a show for leaders and aspiring leaders that want to grow in the soft skills of empathy, connection, creativity, and MORE - a.k.a. the feminine leadership skills. Hosted by RAYMA Team® Co-Founders and Certified Coaches, Mandy B. Anderson & Raychel Perman.

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