“Where am I going to find the time to write a book or publish a book or market a book? I had to look at the time I was spending doing other things.” ~Kat Socks
Have you ever wanted to write a book, but you didn’t know where to start? Well, you’re in for a treat today because this episode is going to give you an inside look at what it takes to BEGIN.
Kat Socks is the Award-Winning Author of the book, Pickles The Dog. Just over two years ago this book was just a thought. Grab your coffee and glean some wisdom of how this idea became an Award-Winning book that has opened the door to more books for Kat to write!
Connect with Kat:
Kat Socks is very passionate about animals and believes every animal deserves a loving home. She enjoys spending time with family and volunteering as a pet therapy handler. Kat lives in Bismarck, North Dakota with her son and two dogs.
- Website: www.picklesthedog.com and www.katssocks.com
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/picklesthedogbook and www.facebook.com/katssocks
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