Be Proactive By Growing Your Leadership Skills Now

blog dear leader leadership leadership thought of the week raychel perman Apr 22, 2024

Dear Leader: Be proactive by growing your leadership skills nowso you are ready when the opportunity comes.


In the early days of building our first company, Mandy and I often used the phrase "dig the ditches." We said it to remind ourselves to keep going, doing what we could to be prepared for the vision instead of just hoping for it. Building a business from the ground up is no easy feat and the success and notoriety we craved came slowly and deliberately. This mindset kept us focused on doing the work. Especially when we felt defeated and wanted to quit.

It still keeps us motivated to this day.

Let's face it, the expectations on leaders are high. And they are only getting higher and more difficult. Which means now is perfect time to work on yourself!

Build the soft skills that will set you apart right now, and in the future.  

Become a more confident person who knows how to pivot and adapt easily by building your communication skills, healing past hurts, and increasing your self-awareness now, so you're fully equipped as an emotionally mature leader when you need to be.

Now is the time to practice the art of collaboration and teamwork with the people around you. 

Setting the goal is easy. Building the systems, mindsets, and behaviors that are going to get you there are considerably harder.

The truth is this: You do not need a title to be a leader. Learning how to lead yourself well, first, sets you up to be a Rockstar Leader when the opportunity comes.

Dear Leader: Be proactive by growing your leadership skills now, so you are ready when the opportunity comes. It's time to dig the ditches. 

With grace & grit, 

~Coach Raychel 



 ✨3 Ways to Grow Your Leadership Skills with RAYMA Team™✨

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