Studio 701 - 3 Self-Improvement Principles to Say ‘YES’ to in 2024

blog goals mandy b. anderson media studio 701 Jan 18, 2024

We are halfway through the first month of the new year, but it’s never too late to make some goals. Coach Mandy sat down with the crew at Studio 701 to share three self-improvement principles to say yes to in the new year. (Special thanks to KX News and Studio 701 for the replay of this video - visit for the original video post.)


 ✨Your Next Steps✨


Show notes:

1 - The most important thing to start saying YES to this year is this: Say YES to Thoughtful Decision-making.

This does not mean that you OVER think every decision. Not at all. It means you use a strategy to help you make decisions quickly and efficiently.

Too many leaders over think every decision to the point of indecision. But guess what? Indecision IS a decision!

It’s a decision to stay stuck and give your power away to what ifs instead of standing firm in the decision and learning as you go.

Thoughtful Decision-making will bring massive results to your life and leadership this year.

2 - Expand Your Network

When we’ve been hurt in past relationships, we often protect ourselves from the one thing we need: Connection.

“Expanding your network is great,” Coach Mandy explained, “because a lot of times if we have been hurt in relationships or hurt in job environments before, we tend to close ourselves off from the one thing we need, and that is connection. Expanding our network is really important because birds of a feather flock together — so if you love the people that you’re around, but just not being inspired to do anything different or maybe they don’t know the people that you need to help you get to where I want to go with my goals, expanding your network is where that comes into play. I know BNI networks — which is Business Networking International — have become a really big thing in the Bismarck area. This is something that I joined about a year and a half ago, and it has expanded my network exponentially. There are people that I’ve met that I didn’t even know were in our community, I didn’t know they offered the services that they do in our community, and it’s been a really great experience. Joining something like that can really help you get out of a funk. You might even find that it helps you create some goals you didn’t know you wanted, and lets you talk with some people who maybe have a similar situation as you in the same industry.”


3 - Embrace Self-Awareness

Being self-aware is deeper than just knowing your personality type. It requires you to understand your coping patterns and how you handle stress, too.

One of the best ways to start embracing self-awareness is to attend a leadership or personal development event - such as our upcoming Lead Like A Rockstar Event!

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The Fearless Feminine Leadership Podcast!

The world needs more than just the masculine leadership traits of productivity, dominance, and competition. It needs fearless feminine leadership. The Fearless Feminine Leadership Podcast is a show for leaders and aspiring leaders that want to grow in the soft skills of empathy, connection, creativity, and MORE - a.k.a. the feminine leadership skills. Hosted by RAYMA Team® Co-Founders and Certified Coaches, Mandy B. Anderson & Raychel Perman.

Listen Here!

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