Leadership Guide 2 - 5 Days to Recharge Your Soul

$27 digital download

A Leadership Guide for Less Stress. This 5-Day PDF download will help you gain awareness around the stress in your life while creating solutions that will work for you.

a note from your Coaches:

Dear Leader: You need to have good self-care habits. 

The truth is - sometimes self-care can feel silly, unnecessary, and just so unattainable! There have been seasons when we couldn't recognize the face in the mirror. We couldn't muster up the strength to get up off the couch at the end of a long day...let alone find peace of mind in the midst of the chaos. There was a time when the diagnosis was too much, the news too terrible, and the pain too real, that we lost our peace in the stress of it all.

But slowly and consistently, we started making simple changes. 

And over time, we started experiencing the positive results of healthier coping mechanisms when stress knocked on our door. We learned how to rest when we needed to. We learned how to release stress as soon as we recognized it so it didn't steal our peace for a moment longer. And our quality of life improved so much that we couldn't keep it to ourselves any longer.

We developed this five day journal guide to help you take a deep dive into the skills you learned in our stress management training called: The Art of the P.A.U.S.E. Whether you've been through that training or not, this is a great place to start! 

The secret to success with this Leadership Guide is this: Repeat it often and make it a life-long habit! Purchase your Leadership Guide 2 now and let's get started...

~Coach Mandy & Coach Raychel


What you'll get:

  • Instant download of the PDF workbook
  • 5-Day guide to help you gain awareness around the stress in your life while creating solutions that will work for you.

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$27.00 USD

Due to the nature of digital products, all sales are final for digital downloads and no refund will be given.

Redesigning or rebranding this resource for any reason - corporate, personal, or for sale - is prohibited.


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